Friday, May 20, 2011


Scott McLeod on May 16, 2011, 1:00 PM
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I’m not quite sure how I missed this wonderful table from David Warlick. Take a look below. Are your local schoolchildren ‘students’ or ‘learners?’ If they’re not ‘learners,’ what can/should you do about it as an educator, parent, community member, and/or concerned citizen?


Relationship with educators:
Students are employees, required to obediently follow instructions.
Learners are citizens with a vested interest in the learning society.

Relationship with other “Students”:
Students are competitors
Learners are collaborators

Students... (Obligation) Students are culturally obliged to work for the teacher & for compensation (below)
Learners... (Responsibility) Learners are motivated by an understood and realized “value” in their work, especially when it is valuable to others.

Student...Institution defined grades and gateways to college (another institution) and a good job (another institution)
Learners...A sense of ongoing accomplishment that is not delivered but earned, and not symbolic but tangible and valuable — an investment.

Mode of Operation:
Students...Compliant, group-disciplined, objective-oriented, and trainable
Learners...Persevering, self-disciplined, group- and goal-oriented, resourceful, and learning in order to achieve rather than achieving learning.


Students...with packaged knowledge and tools for recording packaged knowledge — prescribed and paced learning
Learners...with tools for exploring a networked variety of content, experimenting with that content, and discovering, concluding, and constructing knowledge — invented learning

Students...Measuring what the student has learned.
Learners...Measuring what the learner can do with what has been learned.

Some additional questions worth considering…

  • How does an emphasis on being a ‘student’ rather than a ‘learner’ impact children’s motivation for school tasks?
  • How does an emphasis on being a ‘student’ rather than a ‘learner’ impact children’s future success as workers or postsecondary students?
  • How does an emphasis on being a ‘student’ rather than a ‘learner’ impact children’s willingness as adults to challenge the establishment or the status quo, whether those be political, economic, or otherwise?
  • Rhetoric aside, do most adults really want children to be ‘learners’ in the truest sense of the word? Or do they just want them to be compliant and trainable?
  • Being a ‘learner’ implies (to me, at least) the need to ask questions. Lots and lots of questions. What do we do with children who ask questions in school, particularly those that challenge how we do things? (Why…?)
Image credit: Atlas, it’s time for your bath


Scott McLeod on May 17, 2011, 7:05 AM
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From Using technology to move beyond schools (Elmore & City):

With rare exceptions, schools currently treat the digital revolution as if it never happened. Computers, more often than not, still sit in dedicated rooms, accessible only with adult supervision. Laptops, when they are used at all in classrooms, are frequently employed as electronic worksheets, digital typewriters, and presentation producers, rather than as extensions of students’ access to knowledge. When students do use technology to extend the reach of their learning, they typically do so by visiting predigested information sources and cutting and pasting information into predetermined, teacher-driven formats. “Social networking” among students is treated as a subversive activity engaged in by kids who are up to no good, and certainly not as a promising point of entry to anything that might be called “learning.”

When students step out the door of the institution called school today, they step into a learning environment that is organized in ways radically different from how it once was. It’s a world in which access to knowledge is relatively easy and seamless; in which one is free to follow a line of inquiry wherever it takes one, without the direction and control of someone called a teacher; and, in which, with a little practice, most people can quickly build a network of learners around just about any body of knowledge and interests, unconstrained by the limits of geography, institutions, and time zones. If you were a healthy, self-actualizing young person, in which of these environments would you choose to spend most of your time?

The basic problem with this scenario, however, is this: The more accessible learning becomes through unmediated relationships and broad-based social networks, the less clear it is why schools, and the people who work in them, should have such a large claim on the lives of children and young adults, and the more the noneducational functions of schooling come to the fore.

From What would happen if we let them go? (Elmore):

what would happen if we simply opened the doors and let the students go; if we let them walk out of the dim light of the overhead projector into the sunlight; if we let them decide how, or whether, to engage this monolith? Would it be so terrible? Could it be worse than what they are currently experiencing? Would adults look at young people differently if they had to confront their children on the street, rather than locking them away in institutions? Would it force us to say more explicitly what a humane and healthy learning environment might look like? Should discussions of the future of school reform be less about the pet ideas of professional reformers and more about what we're doing to young people in the institution called school?

For those of you who don’t know Dr. Elmore, he’s the Gregory R. Anrig Professor of Educational Leadership at Harvard University. As you might imagine, he is quite smart and is widely recognized as one of America’s leading thinkers about classroom instruction and school curriculum. If you haven’t read School Reform from the Inside Out or Instructional Rounds in Education, it’s probably time that you did.


Scott McLeod on May 20, 2011, 9:26 AM

Here’s a little something for you to think about over the weekend. Those resisters and naysayers in your school organization (or corporation or nonprofit or …)? You know, the ones that are pushing back against your change initiative? The ones that you like to complain about because ‘the train is moving’ and they’re not ‘getting on board?’ What if they’re right?

10 Reasons Your Educators Are Resisting Your Change Initiative

Surprise, Surprise! Decisions or requests that are sprung on administrators and teachers without notice.
Excess Uncertainty. Not knowing enough about the change will result in the "walking off a cliff blindfolded" syndrome.
Loss of Control. Feeling that changes are being done to, rather than done by, those affected.
Loss of Routine. Concerns that change will require administrators and teachers to question familiar (and comfortable) routines and habits.
We've Seen This Before. Expectation that the initiative is temporary and it will stay incomplete, meaning the best strategy is to lay low and not contribute to success.
Loss of Face. Change implies that the former way of doing things was wrong. Some administrators and teachers may feel embarrassed in front of their peers or staff.
Concerns About Future Competence. Educators can question their ability to be effective after a change: Can I do it? How will I do it? Will I make it in the new situation?
Ripple Effects. Change in one area can disrupt other projects or activities, even ones outside of work.
More Work. Organizational change often increases workloads.
Sometimes the Threat Is Real. Change often creates real winners and losers, and people worry about where they will end up when the project is complete.
Additional thoughts

As a school leader, if you want your change initiatives to be successful, you MUST address these issues. More important than whether you think you’ve addressed them is whether the resisters believe that you’ve addressed them. It’s what is in their heads and hearts, not yours, that’s important.

What else might we add to this list? I’d probably add:

Under-Resourcing. The initiative is not accompanied by sufficient resources (e.g., time, support, funding, training) to actually make it happen. So why should we bother?
Innovation Fatigue. Too many simultaneous initiatives. [this contributes to both 5 and 9]

FYI, the “top 10” list comes from IBM’s online Change Toolkit for educators, which is built on the work of Rosabeth Moss Kanter. The Change Toolkit is a powerful resource for school leaders who are interested in better facilitating organizational change. Learn more and sign up for a free account!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Summer Learning Tips for Parents

Iowa Parent Information Resource Center and reference the PIRC website,

Summer months are often filled with sports clinics, camps, library reading clubs, trips to the swimming pool and family vacations for
many school-age children. But for some children, summer break means extra time in front of the television or computer screen with
little parental supervision.
And there are other children whose parents would like to help, but they don’t know how or don’t realize the importance of staying academically
Why does it matter?
Students who do little during the summer months to stimulate their minds experience what is known as “summer slide.” This is when
they lose academic skills, mostly in the areas of math and reading, and then experience setbacks when they return to school in the fall.
The setbacks force teachers to spend about four to six weeks at the beginning of the school year refreshing students and bringing them
back to where they were at the end of the previous academic year. For example, students in the Grand Rapids (Michigan) school district
were found to have lost about 40 percent of what they learned from the previous school year, according to a study done between 2003
and 2004.
And the U.S. Department of Education has reported that students’ reading skills fall behind about 25 percent each summer. The average
student also loses about 2.6 months of grade-level equivalency in math computation skills during the summer.
In addition to brain activity, children also need to participate in physical and social activities during the summer to keep their bodies
strong. Much of a child’s social stimulation can be received through interaction and activities with family members.
Also, parents need to help their children prepare for the next grade level during the summer months. This is increasingly important for
those children who will enter kindergarten or the next academic stage such as middle or high school.
What the research shows
Most children experience a slight academic setback during the summer months, according to studies by Johns Hopkins University’s
School of Education. The effect varies widely and is most apparent between low-income students and their middle-class peers.
The university’s National Center for Summer Learning has reported the following:
• Most students lose two months of math skills during the summer. This mostly occurs because parents are able to keep their children
reading during summer months but pay less attention to math, according to Harris Cooper, an education professor at Duke University.
• Low-income students lose reading skills, while middle-class students mostly make slight gains.
• Most of the loss occurs in elementary school, so that by the time some students reach fifth grade, they are academically 2 ½ years
behind their peers.
Other studies have found:
• Students usually score lower on standardized tests at the beginning of the new school year than they did at the end of the previous
school year.
• Many low-income youth who fell behind during the summer months eventually drop out or do not attend college.
• Children also gain weight more rapidly during summer break.
• Parents have reported they have difficulty finding productive activities for their children to do during the summer.
What can parents do?
Arne Duncan, secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, said families need to use the summer months to spend time with their children.
They need to turn off the television and instead visit museums, parks and libraries. Each child should have a library card, and families
should “find ways to continue to learn and to learn as a family all summer,” he said.
Research has shown that summer reading offers one of the greatest benefits because it improves comprehension and vocabulary regardless
of the subject. Reading is most effective when a parent is involved, according to a Harvard University study.
There are numerous activities parents and other adults can do with children regardless of financial status. These ideas include:
• Read: Parents should read to their child every day. Children improve more quickly when an adult asks questions about the material and
makes the child re-read difficult passages. Books are too difficult for a child if he or she does not understand five or more words in a 100-
word section. Also, set an example and make sure the child sees you reading.
• On the road: Play “I Spy” with road signs for numbers, colors and shapes. Ask older children to estimate and calculate the travel time to
a destination.
• Get outdoors: Take children to parks and trails for walks or to ride bicycles, or plant a garden or flowers together. Spend time before the
outing to gather information and ask children about the plants and wildlife they encounter.
• In your city: Take trips to the museum or other cultural amenities during free admission days. Find free or inexpensive camps through
your city’s parks and recreation department, school or other groups.
• At the ballpark: Teach young fans how to calculate statistics such as RBIs or ERA. Suggest that they read a book about baseball before
the game to teach kids more about the sport and to brush up on reading skills.
• Volunteer: Ask a friend or relative to host a child at his or her workplace for a day, or take your child to pick up litter or volunteer at a
soup kitchen or senior center.
• In the kitchen: Allow a child to help out by measuring ingredients and reading recipes. Ask more challenging questions such as how
many pints are in a quart and how to divide ingredients.
• Online: Numerous universities and community colleges offer free online courses, some of which can be downloaded to portable devices.
Websites such as can give parents reading tips to help their child at various ages.
• Move it: Attend summer music festivals with your children and dance together. Sign up your child for summer swimming lessons or
other athletic events.
• Get prepared: Establish a school-night routine a couple of weeks before school starts that includes earlier bedtimes.
• Be involved: Attend back-to-school and orientation nights to meet teachers, and learn about school and classroom
• As a family: Plan and cook meals together, share family traditions/customs, or tell stories and reflect upon fun
• Play games: Tell jokes and riddles and share trivia; also, play board games or other games together. Another way to
get the brain working is to play thinking games such as categorizing items such as animals or foods, and doing word clusters.
• Pen pals: Work as a family to write a letter to another family member or a friend. Everyone should contribute ideas.
• Turn it off: Have at least one full week with no television or video games.
Ideas by grade level to prepare your child for school:
Kindergarten –
1. Help children develop their language skills by teaching them to use adjectives and follow simple directions.
2. Read to your child every day.
3. Sing songs and listen to music.
4. Practice matching letters, rhyming words and organizing things by size, color, shape, etc.
5. Teach your child to do things by themselves such as get dressed, eat, clean up and use the restroom.
Middle school –
1. Show your child how to become organized such as using a different folder for each subject and teach them how to record assignments.
2. Help your child keep track of their activities by having a calendar at home on which events and homework assignments can be written.
3. Create a homework schedule and set aside time each night for reading and writing.
High school –
1. Encourage your child to get a job in order to make him or her more responsible and help understand what it’s like to have a job.
2. Help children prepare for their future by taking challenging classes and creating a plan for after high school.