Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heartland AEA 1:1 Resources

I am at the Heartland area superintendents' monthly meeting this morning, where there will be a large focus on 1:1 schools and the process involved. Van Meter's superintendent John Carver and high school principal Deron Durflinger will be presenting about their district's initiative, and later Jeff Dicks, superintendent from Newell-Fonda, will be discussing some of the growing pains involved with a district going 1:1.

For those in the Heartland area, or in Iowa for that matter, here is a quick look at the best resources we offer for schools looking to go 1:1.

  • is a blog coordinated by Scott McLeod, director of Iowa State's CASTLE institute
  • CASTLE is partnering with the AEAs to put a wiki of information on the 1:1 process
  • On that wiki, there is a listing of other 1:1 schools in Iowa with contact information
  • Also on that wiki is some information about the upcoming spring conference for Iowa 1:1 schools
  • The Digital Curriculum (pdf) is a framework for how to teach with ubiquitous access
  • From our professional library, Pamela Livingston's 1-to-1 Learning: Laptop Programs that Work (2nd edition) is a must read, detailing not only the necessary steps for schools, but also highlighting some of the pioneers in 1:1 use.
  • SAI is in its second year of offering leadership training in transitioning schools to the 21st century. Heartland also offers leadership training in the form of an online course/community on how to lead schools in a 21st century tech-infused school.
Those interested in knowing more about 1:1 implementation, access and integration are encouraged to visit with either me or one of Heartland's educational technology consultants, Denise Krefting, Toy Waterman, Steve Linduska, or Wade Andersen.