Saturday, February 27, 2010

Food for Thought

I recently finished a book, Catching Up or Leading the Way, American Education in the Age of Globalization.
As I was reading the book I tried to highlight certain parts that "spoke" to me. Here are a couple of sentences taken from Chapter 2 (From Missle Gap to the Learning Gap).

The warning that American education is broken is not new. Neither are the proposed fixes. A look at history helps us understand how American education has become increasingly authoritarian and how the public and even educators surrendered their rights to governments to decide what counts as good education.

Taken from Chapter 3 (Why America Hasn't Lost Yet).

Thus we face a choice of what we want; a diversity of talents, of individuals who are passionate, curious, self-confident, and risk taking; or a nation of excellent test takers, outstanding performers on math and reading tests.

Interesting points of view... Thoughts???