Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dress Code Discussions...

We here at the Armstrong-Ringsted High School have been having discussions in regards to our dress code. These sorts of issues arise every year when the beautiful springtime sun is upon us. From the length of shorts and skirts to muscle shirts and cut offs. I am sure other students and school staff around Iowa are having the some of the same discussions as our school. I had some quality discussions yesterday with some of our students in regards to the dress code. They talked to me about out dress code being outdated and that it should be changed. The message I am trying to get out to the students is, get the student council involved. It is my opinion that this group of elected students are the "change agents" in a school building. I am very open to new ideas and possible changes in the future, if we can come to an agreement.
In my opinion this is a teachable moment in regards to how we get the change we feel we want or need. For instance, if I as a citizen of Iowa want something (law) to be changed I contact my representative to make my opinion known. This is how our society is currently set up to make substantial changes. Who are the student council representatives some may ask?

Traci, Travis H, Taylor G, Katelyn, Dylan L, Whittney, Kyle, Megan, Emily, David L, Drew, Evan, Colton, & Clyve.